Thursday, February 25, 2010

Birth Day!

February 19th 2010 was the perfect day for little Asa James to come on the scene. I cried all the way home because I was so blessed to have been witness to such an intimately, powerful occasion. Here are just a few of the 300+ I ended up with. Thank you Carey and Justin for having me come share in your day - i love you guys and your baby is perfect in every way.


baby Asa

To see more of this lovely little family, go to my FLICKR page.


  1. These are beautiful! ...and peaceful...these are the pictures they should have shown me at the Lamaze class.

    I'm pretty sure I don't want Karen seeing these, she may want to do it again...

  2. Sallie!! These are amazing. They brought tears to my eyes. God is so faithful. I love that you were there to capture this moment.

  3. love it love it. i know who to call when i have that special day:) Sarah is right, God IS so faithful!-mandy

  4. Thanks everyone! Births are definitely one of the most amazing experiences to have the honor of witnessing... The Lord speaks new things to me at each one. I love my job :)
