Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Fashion

Today is Chole's spring picture day. She was so excited. She came home boasting a big round sticker with the announcement that "Tomorrow is Picture Day!" and she wanted to wear her easter dress her Grandma sent her... I understand why, it's a gorgeous dress. Pink and silky with a pink sash down the back, little pink pearl detail on the boddice complete with an intricate woven pattern of silken material fit for a princess. It even comes with a pink hat and a tiny pink purse. (Can you guess what her favorite color is?) However to her grave dissapointment this morning I announced that no such dress would be worn to school, even if it was picture day, that she would have to save it for Easter. So the journey toward compromise began. How about this shirt with that skirt.. oh, it's too big still... well, how about these jeans with that shirt and your boots... pants too small... my, my i think my little girl is growning up and i'm missing it! One thing is for sure is that she has an absolute idea about what "goes" in all of her 6 years of fashion experience. We finally came to an agreement on a brown shirt with a lovely plaid undershirt, brown pants and a soft blue jacket... and of course her boots (since dress code is out the window today.) She was completely satisfied with the choices and pranced around sporting her spring fashions (thank Heavens!) and even let me dote over her hair. She was a vision when she left this morning (even if it did take some finaglin) and I can't believe what a little grownup she is becoming. Yeah I know she's only 6, but good Lord... she's SIX! I never dreamed I would have a little human being in my care, much less two, that are so beautiful and thoughtful and (even if very opinionated), very sweet.

Here's my little dove. I'll have to get her picture from today and put it up as well... Sigh, she's growing up so fast!

Alas... the day did not turn out as well as I had hoped. Indeed, it was a sad day. I promised her a whole photoshoot all of her own, with 5 pretty dress changes and the works. It pepped her up a bit... here's the only picture i could get out of her. Evidently the whole Kindegarden class was dressed better than she was... so she reported.

sad day

Friday, March 5, 2010

peas porridge hot peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot 9 days old

ok, so Asa isn't a pot of peas, but he WAS nine days old when i drove up to Carey and Justin's house to capture this little man in all his newness and naked infant glory. There was such peace and gorgeous light in their home that sunny afternoon. I can't wait till this little man is running around so i can get some shots of him on that awesome old pickup truck in the driveway. but i'm getting ahead of myself.

Carey & Jusitn, i just want to tell you what an honor and a gift it has been for me to capture these most precious moments of Asa crossing over into the open air. What redemption this little man is to all the loss and struggle you guys have been through over the years. I thank our Heavenly Papa for his wonderful love, how he restores us and gives us new life and mercy that is fresh every morning. I love you guys, thank you for having me be a part of Asa's journey.
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James
Asa James